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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kipling Revisited by Indian Army


(Another version)


If he has just taken command,

He will take some time to know the unit.

If he as commanded the unit for long,

It is time for a change.

If his previous assignment was staff,

He has been away from troops for long.

If he has had only regimental /command experience,

His outlook is narrow.

If he is a grade five,

He is too green to carry his rank.

If he has made his rank with class,

He is no genius.

If he questions the judgement of formation HQ ,

He is fighting the whites.

If he concurs with formation HQ,

He lacks guts.

If he creates and imposes the system,

He is not practical and does things the hard way.

If he cuts corners,

He will get his fingers burnt if he hasn't already.

If he makes immediate decisions,

He is impulsive and doesn't consider the ramifications.

If he broods over a problem,

He is indecisive.

If he supervises his subordinates closely,

He doesn't trust them.

If he leaves his subordinates alone,

He is not interested in their work.

If he implies strict control,

He should delegate more authority.

If he delegates authority,

He is a shirker.

If he emphasizes training,

He neglects welfare.

If he emphasis welfare,

He is getting cheap popularity.

If he has an open door policy,

He is inquisitive and interfering.

If he emphasizes the chain of command to function,

He makes himself too in-accessible.

If he has lengthy conferences,

He under estimates the capability of his staff & junior leaders.

If his unit has a low discipline state,

The troops are getting away with murder.

If his unit has a high discipline state,

It reflects his incapability to command.

If he is strict dealing with discipline cases,

He is a sadist.

If he is considerate, lenient and gentleman,

He is a weak commanding officer.

If he…….well: whatever he does, it is wrong.

It is a miracle that in spite of all these ' Ifs'

he has still been retained in the Army.

He ought to retire while he is ahead.

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