Many classical Latin sayings and phrases are often used in military contexts in connection with various situations of politico-military nature. Latin is widely used in the military heraldry: all sorts of coats of arms, badges, insignia, decorations, etc. Another application of Latin is in unit or corps mottos.
Bellum omnium contra omnes. War by all against all.
Pericula in mora. Danger in delay.
Pollice verso. Thumbs down ('Kill him off). Finish off the enemy hurled to the ground (shouts to the victorious gladiator in Coliseum in ancient Rome).
Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you wish to have peace you should be prepared for war.
Vae victis! Woe to the defeated!
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered (Ceasar's report about his victory in battle).
Per ARDUA ad astra. Through endeavour (toil, struggle etc) to the stars (official motto of the R.A.F.).
Per aspera ad astra. Over thorns to stars.
Casus belli. Cause of war.
Para bellum. For the war.
Post bellum. After war.
Semper paratus. Always ready (the motto of some branches or units).
Conditio sine qua non. Indispensible condition.
Manu militari. By military force.
Status quo ante bellum. State before the war.
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